In this draft of a narrative text what I was able to accomplish was the organizing part of my writing process. My strengths in this essay were in the details of my text and how I was able to put my details in chronological order so that the narrative could be more effective for the reader. Although it may not be written down in this draft, the proof readers in my group would mention how descriptive and detailed my narrative text was. But, what they both agreed on was that I was missing my purpose and also what issue I specifically chose.
In my final draft of this narrative text, which I titled My First Experience of Racial Discrimination, I made changes on the grammatical errors that were picked out from the proofreaders and some changes in the sentences so it'd more sense to the readers. Other than those mistakes, what I also had to change was how I concluded my essay. This was important because it would then really make my issue and my purpose clear to the audience. My approach to this assignment wasn't properly handled. I didn't think of how the audience would perceive my issue or if they would even see what issue I was trying to address while writing this draft. Therefore, my purpose and issue wasn’t clear, and that’s why the proofreaders commented on my draft about this particular problem since it wasn’t clear to them as well. So what I added to my final revisions in my conclusion were statements that made my beliefs clear, and also what issue I was trying to have people recognize.
The Approach part of my writing process was what was missing while writing this draft. Since I didn’t think about my purpose or my audience too much, my purpose and my issue turned out to be vague or not even understood at all. This artifact proves how important Approach would be when having to write a text so that your purpose could be understood and be seen clearly by the readers.
This draft also proves how important the Drafting part of my writing process is as well. The proofreaders who understood the objective of the assignment knew that we had to address a specific issue. Since it was unclear to them what my purpose and issue was, they knew that they had to point out that problem in my content.
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